Can Kratom Be Addictive? is said to be a stress reliever and also cures depression. It does this by elevating someone’s moods making him/her feel a lot better. Due to this, addiction can easily creep in without the knowledge of the user.

The good thing about it is that it is not strong. It sure does meet the requirement for most illegal drugs such as getting someone high, but it is very mild that it cannot affect your health severely. Addiction to this drug is not fast. In the case of an everyday user, addiction starts kicking in after six months usage. This is on average since various drugs have various strengths and so do the user’s reactions to the drug.

There are various methods for taking Discover Kratom which include making tea out of it or taking it in terms of a capsule. These methods are highly addictive to the user. There are people who try to snort it but this is not an effective method as the two above.

If you want to confirm you are an addict, look out for the following signs:

•    Increased tolerance- kratom tolerance build up fast and in order to have the same effect as before, you require to increase the dosage.

•    Constipation-long term constipation is a visible side-effect just like opiates. It shows that the user is dependent on the drug.

•    Secrecy-any addict to any drug will feel ashamed to be associated with addiction and therefore will try as much as possible to hide it.

•    Obsessive thoughts and cravings- the mind of an addict always thinks of kratom. When to take it, where to buy this and when, and the feeling he/she will feel after taking the drug.

•    Daily use is another sign of addiction.

•    Withdrawal symptoms-this is an easy way to test for addiction since if you reduce the dosage, this symptoms will occur.

There are other individual signs through which someone might notice he/she is an addict. It is advisable to use the control plan to help in controlling addiction.

It is possible for someone to prevent addiction or stop being an addict. The treatment to stop being an addict is by reducing the amount of intake slowly. This may take long but it works in the long run. This is the cheapest way. The other way to stop addiction is by taking a prescribed drug called suboxone. This drug is bought in pharmacies or chemists though it can be a bit scarce.
There are ways of preventing addiction of the drug. The easiest of them all is not taking it in the first place. By not taking it, the side effects would not kick in. The other way is by controlling the number of intakes. The preferred dosage is twice per week, and each intake is one gram. More than that can be “loosely” termed as abuse. It is easy to start this program since one can schedule a particular day on week days, and another day during the weekends. These two days should be more than two days apart and should be specific. If not that, use the calendar to gauge yourself.